TSV Buxtehude-Altkloster

Apensener Straße 5

21614 Buxtehude

Tel.:(0) 4161 81161

Fax:(0) 4161 88756

The recommendations of TSV Buxtehude-Altkloster are displayed here.

Imprint notice

TSV Buxtehude-Altkloster e.V.

Apensener Straße 5

21614 Buxtehude

phone: (0) 4161 81161

fax: (0) 4161 88756


e-mail: info@tsv-buxtehude-altkloster.de

Official name of company

TSV Buxtehude-Altkloster e.V.

responsibility and position

Vorsitzender Harald Pode

Board of directors

2. Vors. S. Feller; Prot. Ref. M. Niemann-Olbricht; Kassen-Ref. F. Schrötter

Data protection

Further Information